On 5/1/2017 at 10:45 AM, Wintersong said:Testing, testing,...
Not good enough.
On 5/1/2017 at 10:45 AM, Wintersong said:Testing, testing,...
Not good enough.
I guess there hasn't been a good enough spoil of a neutral card to get a neutral frame yet?
8 minutes ago, ricefrisbeetreats said:Not good enough.
I agree, Yoritome has to be at least as strong as the next twenty Mantis cards!
1 minute ago, Suzume Tomonori said:I guess there hasn't been a good enough spoil of a neutral card to get a neutral frame yet?
Maybe you can fill up the rest from that frame: https://l5r.gamepedia.com/Miya_Mystic
14 minutes ago, Drudenfusz said:I agree, Yoritome has to be at least as strong as the next twenty Mantis cards!
So far the next 20 Mantis cards have a combined strength of 0.
Really neat cards. It's fun to play around with these concepts while we are waiting to learn more about the game. Here's my thoughts on the design/costing, cuz why not:
Shinjo scout: should cost 1. Compare Bayushi Manipulator. Her ability is probably weaker than his.
Hida General: Should cost 2. Compare Daidoji Nerishma, whose ability is probably stronger, since you cannot force the enemy to declare an earth attack against you. As an aside, I doubt the rings of the provinces will be called by game effects.
Tainted Berserker: Probably a little on the strong side -- could easily be 5 or 6 force for 1. Increase the honor loss to 2.
Ide Diplomat: Should cost 1. The ability is weak (because it has a high cost) and has the stats of a 1 cost character.
Hida Tsuruko: Maybe a little weak, but hard to know without playtesting the ability.
Horiuchi Shoan: Not a fan of printed cancel abilities, but it is probably less of an issue than in old5R because of the fate mechanic. Probably fine as is given the limitations of the ability and the poor statline.
Akodo Tactician: Seems fine. Works well with the clan theme.
Utaku Battle Maiden: Increase Political to 1. Ability is bland. How about: "After you win a battle where this character was attacking, honor this character."
Bayushi Agitator: Should be 'Loss'. Increase Political strength to 2. Ability might be unclear how it interacts with giving honor to other players. Maybe: "Reaction: After a player's honor decreases, that player loses 1 honor."
Bayushi Magistrate: Weak. Ability is a bit iffy as it discourages attacks. Better: "Reaction: After you win a political conflict: The losing player gives you 1 honor."
Iuchi Shugenja: Too strong. You can guarantee a water conflict, and this can bow any enemy character in it for no cost with no restrictions, even a clan champion or a voltron. Change ability to: Reaction: After a water conflict is declared, straighten one of your characters.
Doji Courtier: Change ability to: Reaction: after you gain honor: Gain 1 honor.
Kakita Prodigy: Probably too weak -- a lot of conditions on the duel, and she's not very good at winning it. Has terrible stats for cost. Reworked card:
2 2/2 2 Bushi Duelist
Kakita Prodigy adds 2 to her duel total in military duels.
Isawa Ishiken: Hard to evaluate. Maybe weak, maybe fair. Depends on value of card draw.
Mirumoto Bushi: Seems fine.
Shiba Yojimbo: Increase military to 3. The ability is pretty conditional and has a cost associated with it.
The black Crane: No idea. Seems okay-ish.
Asako Mao-Tsukai: Again, hard to know. Is paying 2 honor to remove a fate token from any character strong? It could be about balanced.
Kitsuki Investigator: Weak, given the high cost of the ability. Increase military to 2.
Kuni Tsukai-Sagasu: Ability is blank in most games, and OP in the games it's usable. How about: "Action: During an Earth conflict, bow this character to bow a character with equal or less military strength. If they are Shadowlands, discard them."
On 5/1/2017 at 11:20 AM, Wintersong said:You are correct. I can try some resizing of cards like Isawa Masahiro instead of just waiting for FFG to be nice and spoil a proper sized Dragon and Phoenix cards next wednesday. I do have some nice art selected for them in any case and will upload some crazy ideas as soon as I can.
I'm not great at photo editing, but I edited (removed the unique arrow and dot) and resized Isawa Masahiro to the attached... might suffice if they don't give one in the news tomorrow...
The Dragon one I gave a go, but as you are upscaling, it doesn't really look good enough...
Sorry but can someone tell me who The Black Crane was?
9 minutes ago, Shiba Mako said:Sorry but can someone tell me who The Black Crane was?
No one as far as I know. Just messing around, much like with The False Hantei.
17 minutes ago, Shiba Mako said:Sorry but can someone tell me who The Black Crane was?
There was a Grey Crane, Kakita Toshimoko, who wandered Rokugan searching for Toturi I after his disappearance in the Hidden Emperor arc.
18 hours ago, Tetsuro said:Missing a Naga template.
Also, giving Yoritomo no Political strength is grossly underselling him. The man was far more shrewd than most give him credit for. You don't form an Alliance of Minor Clans and then forge them into a unified Great Clan and not understand politics a little.
Or, you're rokugan's biggest, brashest bully and get your way through fear, treachery and koku. Seriously. Yoritomo was a dishonorable bully until he got to meido.
16 minutes ago, Isawa Syd said:Or, you're rokugan's biggest, brashest bully and get your way through fear, treachery and koku. Seriously. Yoritomo was a dishonorable bully until he got to meido.
Use of fear, treachery, and money is basically the definition of politics.
4 minutes ago, Tetsuro said:Use of fear, treachery, and money is basically the definition of politics.
Yeah, if you're a lesser clan, like the ones that don't rhyme with shemnix.
23 minutes ago, Isawa Syd said:Yeah, if you're a lesser clan, like the ones that don't rhyme with shemnix.
This might be why the Feenix never managed to dominate the political arena.
26 minutes ago, Tetsuro said:This might be why the Feenix never managed to dominate the political arena.
Yeah, we care about more important things, like the empire's security. Of course, isawa sawao would disagree with you, being the amethyst champion. And of course all the jade championships we won count for naught, too. Getcher facts right before you claim the Phoenix have no Political power... ; )
1 hour ago, Tetsuro said:Use of fear, treachery, and money is basically the definition of politics.
Well that's been enlightening (no pun intended). When people say "politics", I usually start yawning. This is the main reason I've not been considering Crane, who I like otherwise. This sounds similar to control decks in MTG? Those, I like playing.
4 hours ago, ricefrisbeetreats said:Not good enough.
I am back home and tweaking some templates and such. But could not avoid commenting right now about this.
Nothing is never good enough so... meh.
Is that Mantis border better? Tried some Crab modified one this time.
1 minute ago, Wintersong said:I am back home and tweaking some templates and such. But could not avoid commenting right now about this.
Nothing is never good enough so... meh.
Is that Mantis border better? Tried some Crab modified one this time.
9001 Military Strength? Are Mantis really that good? At least they are rubbish at Political.
55 minutes ago, Isawa Syd said:Yeah, we care about more important things, like the empire's security. Of course, isawa sawao would disagree with you, being the amethyst champion. And of course all the jade championships we won count for naught, too. Getcher facts right before you claim the Phoenix have no Political power... ; )
Jade Champion is not a political position except when it comes to the enforcement of Imperial laws regarding magic (such as when an Isawa Jade Champion tried to have a Shiba Shugenja executed for "maho").
6 minutes ago, Kakita Shiro said:Jade Champion is not a political position except when it comes to the enforcement of Imperial laws regarding magic (such as when an Isawa Jade Champion tried to have a Shiba Shugenja executed for "maho").
'It's not a political position, except when it's a political position.'
28 minutes ago, slowreflex said:9001 Military Strength? Are Mantis really that good? At least they are rubbish at Political.
Really it should probably be about 2*20, so 40 strength. Because he is his 20 strongest samurai.
Just now, Isawa Syd said:'It's not a political position, except when it's a political position.'
Very narrow applications. Like 1% of the time. And generally only to protect their own power. So yeah, not a political position. I figured a Phoenix would appreciate the very particular and accurate assessment.
It's over 9000, guys.
3 minutes ago, Suzume Tomonori said:It's over 9000, guys.
Keep your anime out of our Japanese based card game!
5 minutes ago, Mirith said:Keep your anime out of our Japanese based card game!