I am surely not the only one who misses this card game. I was certainly hurt by the games cancellation announcement. However, good news is here for any who still want to play this amazing game! So after some time I cam across this program called LackeyCCG. This has apparently had updates to follow the Kingdom Hearts TCG. Together with a good friend of mine, we have replaced all the photos that the program used to represent each card into copies of crisp and clean photos. Most of which came from our own collection and a couple sites online.
I would like to share with all who see this the ability to use this software to not only make some people happy, but to share the joy this game brought to us by openly extending our efforts to everyone. This game can be played solo with one person controlling two decks (for play testing or some fun), or even online against other people and friends. The software contains all, I repeat ALL of the cards that were launched here in the Americas as well as the unreleased (here at least) japanese. All of which have been translated provided to make the best gaming experience possible.
Please note that some cards with long text will be slightly pixelated due to the JPEG size restrictions to not affect gameplay. These cards are Parasite Cage, Ansem, Dark Riku, and Aeroga.
A huge thank you to the creators of LackeyCCG for this and FantasyFlightGames for making this game (even if only temporarily) known to many of us! This game will always be my favorite TCG of all time!
Alas, cheers and welcome back to KHTCG!!!!
- Thirroxin and Nodulariny
Getting Started
This is the link to the files needed.
1) Extract the folder to your desktop.
2) Take inside the LackeyCCG folder their is "LackeryCCG Updater" file (looks like a red arrow pointing down). Click that and run it. This will patch your software for Kingdom Hearts.
3) You can now run the "LackeyCCG" file (looks look a hand holding cards.
4) Now you need to set your software to play kingdom hearts. See below picture.
5) Now that you are set for the game, you need to build a deck! See below picture!
If you wish to use Japanese cards (and don't now what they do) then click the picture below!
And then....
That's it! The software keeps track of turns, offers ways to keep track of life, allows dice rolling, deck shuffling, keeps track of numerous decks as long as you save them, and more!
You can also select the "server" tab at the top of the software and host or join a game online to play with friends or even watch as others play!
There are 2 cards we need to make each and every picture crisp and clear. If anyone can provide me with any of these cards as a photo in clear resolution, I can complete this software fully! If you can help me (therefore all of us) PLEASE let me know!!!!
Lv4 Cloud (english)
Ultima Weapon
Edited by Thirroxin