Any Hope for Expansions?

By Hasharin, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

I want to buy this game, but before I do it I want to know, does anyone think that an expansion will be made? Was just wondering, it would be really nice to play goblins or undead some time…

there's always hope… and in the meantime there's creativity :)

honestly, i'd be bewildered if they didn't release any expansions ever… but it has been 12 months.

I would buy an expansion. Undead and Nurgle FTW!!!

Hmmm, one of the surprise updates at GenCon this year?? Each year they have timed updates that get revealed on Thurs and on Fri and maybe even Sat.

Would be awesome if there was a BB expansion…sure is ripe for one :)

I just bought this game a few week ago and i am luvin every moment of it. It's good to see an expansion comes out with new star players or perhaps new factions/races as well.

Shadowfax said:

Hmmm, one of the surprise updates at GenCon this year?? Each year they have timed updates that get revealed on Thurs and on Fri and maybe even Sat.

Would be awesome if there was a BB expansion…sure is ripe for one :)

I had the same thought and am hoping for the same!

Bootylactin said:

Shadowfax said:

Hmmm, one of the surprise updates at GenCon this year?? Each year they have timed updates that get revealed on Thurs and on Fri and maybe even Sat.

Would be awesome if there was a BB expansion…sure is ripe for one :)

I had the same thought and am hoping for the same!

Thirded! Ehm, seconded! Good game, but some expansions are certainly welcome :-)

I really hope they make an expansion to BB:TM. I have really enjoyed the game a lot.

If only I could convince my wife to give it a shot….

I think the game is incredibly fun and I would love to see an expansion for it. Even a print on demand option with a new division of three teams would be just fine with me. What can we do to lobby Fantasy Flight Games to make this happen?

There was mention of an expansion, Sudden Death , at their GenCon In-Flight Report today, but no details. I actually introduced a friend to the game this last week and we talked about the same opportunities to build the game up. Really hoping to see more as we get into Q4.

Vampires, Undead & Dark Elves.

No goblinz((((((((

I know. Two Undead teams, shocking it wasn't Necros, Vamps and vanilla Undead. Sheesh. Gobbos are a much more staple team than Vampires who weren't added until much later. DE, Gobbos and Undead would've been a solid "evil" trio expansion, with HE, Halfling and Lizzies (I guess, they've been on the good side in Warhammer: Invasion) as a "good" expansion.

Puzzle said:

There was mention of an expansion, Sudden Death , at their GenCon In-Flight Report today, but no details. I actually introduced a friend to the game this last week and we talked about the same opportunities to build the game up. Really hoping to see more as we get into Q4.

Puzzle said:

There was mention of an expansion, Sudden Death , at their GenCon In-Flight Report today, but no details. I actually introduced a friend to the game this last week and we talked about the same opportunities to build the game up. Really hoping to see more as we get into Q4.

The races have been mentioned. Release date was vague, simply said Fall of 2012. The three races will get their own "League Deck", so they won't be drawing stars from either deck in the original. Also mentioned was a mechanic that allows players who have been knocked down to get back up. It was implied this mechanic was one that was shared between the 3 new races. Thematically it was meant to represent it being hard to keep the Undead down or in the case of Dark Elves, them getting really pissed off and jumping back up. I'm paraphrasing here but it's close to what was said.

Yes, at the In-Flight Report, it was noted that the three new races would have their own league. I suppose if Goblins were released, wouldn't they be in the Chaos Wastes Confederation (CWC) the same as the Orcs? Or, I suppose, for whatever future release contains the Lizardmen, the Goblins will be in that league. What would the third race be in a league of Gobbos and Lizardmen?

I'm old school, I say they should bring out Undead, High Elves and Amazon. I never really liked vampire teams, but if they brought out a vamp manager team then it would just be thralls and vampires (boring). At least with the others mentioned you'd have 4 or 5 different player types. Even with goblins they could include weapons with a high cheat cost. I hope they include rules for 6 player.

Apparently the guy who works on this game was down and out for a while with health issues. But now that he is back, he has picked back up on the game. With the Report of Undead, Vamps, & Dark Elves I know this isn't a dead game to FFG. I can't wait for Sudden Death to release and I hope that many more expansions will be released in the near future!

I'm glad to hear the game will be expanding. I look forward to having some new teams. :)

Blackjac said:

Apparently the guy who works on this game was down and out for a while with health issues. But now that he is back, he has picked back up on the game.

Jason Little has been unwell? He has done a lot of work for FFG RPG lines including the upcoming Star Wars RPG.

That's a drag and would explain the delay. I'm glad to hear he is doing better.