Corpulent Immensity + Terminator Armor

By Spehktre, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

If you're wearing Terminator Armor, and gain the mutation Corpulent Immensity (Nurgle reward), what size are you?

Corpulent Immensity makes you Enormous. Terminator Armour increases size by 1 category.

Does this mean that you're Massive, Size 7, (Battle Tank/Greater Daemon).

This is assuming that your armour also changes to accommodate your new mutations. Which I think makes sense, given how many gifts/rewards alter the body in huge ways.

I recall reading somewhere in the book that a character might be called to use infamy to modify his armor to fit his mutations (aka, it does not change because the character does) but I can't find a specific page reference. That said, yes, if a Nurgle mutant with Corpulent Immensity managed to get his hands on suitable large Terminator armor (or normal power armor, for that matter) He would, indeed, be ******* huge.

Firstly, no, normal armour does not change shape with its wearer. Corpulent Immensity sounds like you definitely wouldn't be able to customize power armour to fit it.

Secondly, I don't think terminator-esque armour would add enough to the size of the character to warrant a new size category. The size categories are not linear - there's a lot more room between enormous and massive than there is between medium and hulking.

Cifer said:

Secondly, I don't think terminator-esque armour would add enough to the size of the character to warrant a new size category. The size categories are not linear - there's a lot more room between enormous and massive than there is between medium and hulking.

Although it is a tantalizing concept.
Are there any other sources of increased size?

Nah, just stuff him into the armour after some EXTREME liposuction, and chainsaw off any bits that overflow. After all, what Nurglite cares if the bleeding stump of his muffin-top goes gangrenous?