Battlelore iPad app?

By Blackwarder59, in Battlelore


I was wondering if FFG intend to release a Battlelore app like the DoW smallworld and ticket to ride apps in the app store.

I'm the kind of gamer who realy like the idea and the rules of BattleLore but would rather not deal with all the setup of the game (and the fact that the box is sold out doesn't help either), frankly Ive played more SM and TtR game on my ipad than on a board.


word. not that I'm expecting anything developed on the Battlelore side of things from FFG. It's pretty obvious to most of us that they bought Battlelore mostly to make "Battlelore Games." I think a Battlelore app would be awesome but sadly probably wouldnt have too much mass appeal.

by the by, have you located a browser app that will allow you to post on the forums here??

nope I didn't, i'm using my brother computer when I can.

This is the only Forum where I can't write using my iPad...


After seeing the work it took to develop M44 for the PC, I doubt FFG will make the investment necessary to port BattleLore. The unit variety, AI complexity and variable maps make the coding very challenging. There is no way they would do such a game for free, ala Ticket to Ride. I think we're out of luck.

If you like to play an 'battlelore' boardgame, try 'Viking Lords' on the IPad. It is almost the same as Battlelore. It seems to be that someone was a little bit faster than FFG.

I bought this game and it is really fun. Just look at the screenshots of this app and you will see that the game has identical game mechanics.

Have fun

Why always iPad? Why not Android? Any games like BL for Android available?