Blog Post - Every Sith Infiltator Built!

By BCooper85, in X-Wing

New article time and my last of the year!
Thanks to everyone that's read, commented and shared my articles over the last few months, the response has really made the work worth it.
There's more to come in 2021 so stay tuned!
Happy New Year guys, see you on the other side šŸ˜

Well done mate, I too enjoy the interesting Infiltrator builds.

Personally, I love running Maul with Palpatine and Hate. Three Force charges disappear too quickly, and Palp punishes those who may want to burn Maul off the board early.

On 1/1/2021 at 7:17 PM, PhantomFO said:

Personally, I love running Maul with Palpatine and Hate. Three Force charges disappear too quickly, and Palp punishes those who may want to burn Maul off the board early.

I usually run Maul with Dooku because Iā€™m cheap and as you say, 3 force is not enough. But Palp is a great choice.

On 1/1/2021 at 2:17 AM, PhantomFO said:

Personally, I love running Maul with Palpatine and Hate. Three Force charges disappear too quickly, and Palp punishes those who may want to burn Maul off the board early.

Palp is a little underrated too, especially with Kylo and these ETA-2ā€™s running around. Dishing out that stress if you can afford it can put a halt to a lot of shenanigans.