Heroes or villains you would love to see?

By Humantorch101, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

16 hours ago, aeixea said:

Until now, the first cycle contained 2 scenario packs and 6 hero packs. The second cycle seems to follow the same scheme.

the second cycle doesn't though, right?

First Cycle: 2 scenarios, 6 heroes

Second Cycle: 1 scenario, 4 heroes.

4 hours ago, jonboyjon1990 said:

the second cycle doesn't though, right?

First Cycle: 2 scenarios, 6 heroes

Second Cycle: 1 scenario, 4 heroes.

You're right, the second cycle is not over yet, as 4 heroes have already been revealed, I suppose the proportion will be the same as in the previous cycle.

I take it for granted that at FFG they plan the cycle annually and that they have it already programmed.

I think they will collect the feedback from the second cycle to program the third.

But I can be wrong.

1 hour ago, aeixea said:

You're right, the second cycle is not over yet, as 4 heroes have already been revealed, I suppose the proportion will be the same as in the previous cycle.

I take it for granted that at FFG they plan the cycle annually and that they have it already programmed.

I think they will collect the feedback from the second cycle to program the third.

But I can be wrong.

Second cycle is Kang, and the 4 announced heroes.

My presumption was that 3rd cycle was Most Wanted and following scenario/hero packs

I am at best a casual follower of the comics...I last regularly collected when Jonah Hex became Hex and about the time the art went in the pit I quit, picked up the odd Green Lantern here or there but nothing consistent. I am the heretic who doesn't particularly care for the X-Men and if I never see Magneto again it will be a better world...

as a result, I am often unaware of even some of the villain sets that have come out so far. Wrecking Crew, Klaw, Rhino were new to me.

At the same time, some of the older heroes from years ago are what I end up really liking. If they bring back the version of Moon Knight from his early, mercenary/detective/gadgets phase like a run of comics I picked up used a few years ago and really enjoyed, I would play the smurf out of that. As is, I flip from hero to hero almost every game. Out of my recorded plays so far, I have used Hulk the least (12) and Captain America the most (21) times. A well done Moon Knight would shift those numbers significantly...

at the same time, for me there have not really been any misses so far. I have liked the feel of pretty much every hero. I might actually enjoy Ms Marvel the most. So I am just excited to see them keep bringing out new heroes and scenarios to fight against. Love the job they are doing keeping it fresh for people like me

2 hours ago, darthweasel2 said:

I am at best a casual follower of the comics...I last regularly collected when Jonah Hex became Hex and about the time the art went in the pit I quit, picked up the odd Green Lantern here or there but nothing consistent. I am the heretic who doesn't particularly care for the X-Men and if I never see Magneto again it will be a better world...

as a result, I am often unaware of even some of the villain sets that have come out so far. Wrecking Crew, Klaw, Rhino were new to me.

At the same time, some of the older heroes from years ago are what I end up really liking. If they bring back the version of Moon Knight from his early, mercenary/detective/gadgets phase like a run of comics I picked up used a few years ago and really enjoyed, I would play the smurf out of that. As is, I flip from hero to hero almost every game. Out of my recorded plays so far, I have used Hulk the least (12) and Captain America the most (21) times. A well done Moon Knight would shift those numbers significantly...

at the same time, for me there have not really been any misses so far. I have liked the feel of pretty much every hero. I might actually enjoy Ms Marvel the most. So I am just excited to see them keep bringing out new heroes and scenarios to fight against. Love the job they are doing keeping it fresh for people like me

I have to agree, they have been able to find the cool factor even in heroes I have never particularly cared for in the comics or who have been under the radar such as Black Widow and Spider-Woman.

Really looking forward to Ant-Man, quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

Not so sure about Wasp, would have preferred Janet Van Dyne. I hope they can make her distinct from Ant-Man in play style.

Another hero I would like to see as a main hero pack, who has been introduced in the red skull campaign is Shang Chi.

Would love to see how they represent his extremely high martial arts skills.

I'd like to see a M.O.D.O.K. scenario.

And I still really want to see Civil War boxes. I think it would be awesome to have two different boxes for the Civil War timeline: one that is Team Cap, the other Team Iron Man, and depending on which box you run through, you are facing off against villain versions of the opposing heroes. That could really shake some things up.

Also, #TeamCap FTW! 😁

I personally play every hero, all the time. My brother literally plays every hero in order! They're all fantastic, and all have an awesome feel to them. I love this game so much!