FlightMaster’s Legion

By flightmaster101, in Painting

I have been a bit lax about painting and definitely lax about sharing, but since I started an imgur profile just to share their stuff here we go! I also paint other stuff besides legion so if you want to see the other games i paint or my entire profile its imgur.com/user/flightmaster101

Let’s start off with something fun. Here’s Dooku:


See more at https://imgur.com/gallery/1513gW5

Edited by flightmaster101

Here are some simply done B1 Droids



I have another squad from wave 1, but there not much different.



See the whole post at: https://imgur.com/gallery/ymmZekZ

Kinda cool method of getting the red/copper rights. I was playing with contrast paint. The droids are primed in gunmetal (citadel’s ledbelcher) and then I used flesh tearer’s red (the dark red contrast paint) over the gunmetal. Then i drybrushed copper over that. I think it turned out really well.

General Grevoius 1:


See other angles here: https://imgur.com/gallery/9KVOLG1

I like to play WYSIWYG so I got a second Grievous. This one is with the blaster attachment and cape. I thought the cape was more blue, since Sith and the cartoon are pretty dark when he’s in the cape. Turns out its more grey, but I think the blue plays against the warmer bone armor color.

This is also 50/50 Citadel’s Skeleton Horde and contrast medium over white paint to create this effect.

Long time no see. I’ve been painting but not posting, sorry about that, cause I’m going to make up for it by spamming all my recent work. I will keep it to legion and not include my crisis protocol stuff.

Here is my shiny squad. Right out of training and no unit marks to scuff up that peerrttyyy white armor.



Edited by flightmaster101


Here’s Obi-Wan. I found a neat lightsaber effect using Vallejo color shift paint. I did a light coat of the blue/gold paint and it gives a great shimmer that is always perpendicular to the user. You guys know how tough it is to paint that white line at the center and then when someone views it off angle it doesnt look like a lightsaber anymore. I think this fixes it. I’ll be doing all my lightsabers this way from now on.

You can see more here:


And please leave some upvotes if you like what you see.

Here are my B2 droids. I did a very subtle glaze in green and in blue to differentiate the units.

See more here:

I only got one unit of droid upgrades so I matched them to my yellow squad.


This is the only view, but if you want to leave me an upvote you can do so here: https://imgur.com/gallery/ecmbQON

Ok confession time. I did 3 units of shiny squads with my phase 1s and I only did stripes on the top of the helmet to differentiate them. I hated it. And with Obi-Wan in the core box and Rex as the first expansion hero I got an Idea. So I did something I never do: I took my 2 units with color stripes back to the shop and converted them to the 212th and the fighting 501st.

I like them so much better now.

You can see the 212th here: https://imgur.com/gallery/WYwKmht

Here are my BARC speeders. In the link you can see more photos of how the weapons interchange and the sidecar rotates.

See the rest here: https://imgur.com/gallery/VMB89Xl

Here is my other Grievous I finally got around to, compete with new lightsaber effect as described on my Obi-Wan post.

You can see more views here:

And this was a lot of fun to paint. Cad Bane!

It’s really too bad the duster covers his face, because I really like the effect I did for his eyes. In fact I had to add a 5th picture to my imgur post from underneath just to show the face and eyes off in detail. You can see that here: https://imgur.com/gallery/6qcquJu

Color-shift paint on the lightsaber(s) is a fantastic idea. Thanks for that!