What are the chances we get a Co-Op LCG?

By FrogTrigger, in Star Wars: Destiny

This is selfishly something I have wanted for years. I really enjoy the LOTR LCG and have played quite a bit of it, but got into it late so tracking down content was tough. Arkham Horror LCG is amazing and has been hyper successful, but I am just not in love with the lore.

Marvel Champions is off to a hot start and is a game that I am gearing up to be able to play with my kid here in the near future as he grows up, so that is awesome.

The formula is obviously very successful for FFG with proven successes like LOTR/Arkham, and Marvel Champions showing us they don't plan to slow down on this type of game. I was really hoping the death of the first LCG meant a Co-Op was coming, but knew that couldn't be when Destiny was announced. But now that Destiny is dead, do they lateral over to their proven, successful formula of a Co-Op LCG?

Is this something that would interest you as a Destiny player?

In before the "im salty cause my game was cancelled so no I don't want anyone to have any fun" replies.

I certainly hope so and there is a lot of call for it, anything is possible.

Who knows, we could see a "Star Wars - Unique Deck and Dice Game" as much as anything else.

8 hours ago, Amanal said:

Who knows, we could see a "Star Wars - Unique Deck and Dice Game" as much as anything else.

It'd be cool if we see a star wars game with Keyforge's unique decks where each player takes control of a rebel cell and work together to destroy a death star.

There was a lot of theory-crafting going on about a co-op game prior to the competitive LCG coming out. The biggest hurdle was defining the role of the players vs. the AI. The easiest way to do it would be to make the players light-side characters (Rebels, Republic, Jedi, etc.) conflicting with dark-side forces (Empire, Sith, etc.). However, there are a lot of SW fans (myself included) that want to play as our favorite dark-side characters. Assembling your friends to beat-down on a scrappy resistance force doesn't seem very "heroic", though.

If FFG can figure out a way to make it work, they would find a customer in me (even though they should have went this route in the first place!).

My counter to that is Imperial Assault campaign was very popular. While I agree people enjoy playing as both sides, there is definitely a market for playing as the light side. Fallen Order would be another recent hint for that.

9 hours ago, Pericles said:

There was a lot of theory-crafting going on about a co-op game prior to the competitive LCG coming out. The biggest hurdle was defining the role of the players vs. the AI. The easiest way to do it would be to make the players light-side characters (Rebels, Republic, Jedi, etc.) conflicting with dark-side forces (Empire, Sith, etc.). However, there are a lot of SW fans (myself included) that want to play as our favorite dark-side characters. Assembling your friends to beat-down on a scrappy resistance force doesn't seem very "heroic", though.

If FFG can figure out a way to make it work, they would find a customer in me (even though they should have went this route in the first place!).

FFG could do a heroes version and if that goes well, a villain version could happen

There are a lot of vile people in the Galaxy who want nothing to do with the Empire. You could do an entire expansion about Dathomir Witches and other dark siders trying to avoid being conscripted or killed.