Any Warhammer Fantasy Players in the Metro Boston Area?

By Deadrazor, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Long time Warhammer Fantasy Battle Player new to Warhammer RPG looking for new players or group to join in the Metro Boston area...thanks in advance

I am on Cape Cod and just picked WFRP up. I am looking for players, too.

I live near Boston and am currently involved in a 2nd ed WFRP game with a bunch of guys in Providence. I can play in Boston, also I have a house on the cape so I could play down there as well. Let me know if you need an extra player.


I'm in the Boston Metrowest area and am currently running a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd Ed) game.

This is a long shot, but are any of you still playing (especially 2nd edition)? I'm hoping to get into a game at some point.

On ‎2017‎-‎03‎-‎15 at 10:55 PM, jcashmachine said:

This is a long shot, but are any of you still playing (especially 2nd edition)? I'm hoping to get into a game at some point.

This forum is dedicated to WFRP 3ed, and since that edition has been discontinued this forum is archived and mostly inactive. I believe you would have better luck finding a game at the Strike-to-Stun warhammer forum. :)