We Have A New Major Kolat Member Confirmed

By Vulcan646, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

So the new RPG scenario, Winter's Blade, just confirmed a new Kolat Member.

Please note that the below information is a spoiler for that scenario.

The scenario book confirms that Miya Satoshi (the Miya Daimyo) is a high ranking member of the Kolat.

I don't have the book on me at the moment but I believe the Kolat code name he was given is Green Chrysanthemum.

I'll confirm that Kolat code name once I get home.

On a side note, the Courts Of Stone book tells us that Kakita Yoshi became a courtier due to being born while the Kyuden Kakita was under siege and had it's gates closed.

The reasoning fopr this is that Kyuden Kakita is subject to a curse.

The wording states that any Kakita born, while the gates are closed, becomes cursed to never touch a blade.

Should a Kakita, that is born with this curse, touch a blade the curse will apparently cause severe harm to the Kakita family.

Thus Kakita Yoshi swore off ever touching a blade and became a courtier.

Just some fun new info I thought I would share.

Edited by Vulcan646

Yeah the reveal puts most of his actions in a brand new light and really raises the question of what effect this will have on the succession.

It also gives us our likely "friend" that Satsume was communicating with in the capital that was trying to recruit him to the Kolat

The Yoshi stuff isn't actually new lore as he had the same curse in O5R.

Ah ok. I did not realize that the Yoshi stuff was not new. Either way, I thought it was kinda funny.

So the Kolat know who is responsible for the death of the emperor and who covered it up.........

Certainly this will not lead to anything bad.

41 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:

So the Kolat know who is responsible for the death of the emperor and who covered it up.........

Certainly this will not lead to anything bad.

Right? Now it's not just that Bayushi Kachiko made a bad choice in the heat of the moment then leaned on the Miya Daimyo's inherent desire to maintain the status quo to back her up. In retrospect, she actively covered up regicide then handed the evidence over to the person who most desires to undermine the Empire.

Fascinating that this version of Kachiko is essentially a morality play about pride and ambition; the master manipulator being outplayed by an enemy she didn't even know existed, a conspiracy who kept their secrets well from the Scorpion.

Edited by Doji Hyōkin
1 hour ago, Ishi Tonu said:

So the Kolat know who is responsible for the death of the emperor and who covered it up.........

Certainly this will not lead to anything bad.

22 minutes ago, Doji Hyōkin said:

Right? Now it's not just that Bayushi Kachiko made a bad choice in the heat of the moment then leaned on the Miya Daimyo's inherent desire to maintain the status quo to back her up. In retrospect, she actively covered up regicide then handed the evidence over to the person who most desires to undermine the Empire.

Fascinating that this version of Kachiko is essentially a morality play about pride and ambition; the master manipulator being outplayed by an enemy she didn't even know existed, a conspiracy who kept their secrets well from the Scorpion.

I am sooo looking forward to the next cycle of fictions now. Because when this stuff hits the fan? Oh, it's gonna be beautiful...

Crane going to war with itself, Kachiko screwing up Shoju's plans, Aramoro trying to assassinate Toturi, and now this. It's going to be an incredible trainwreck.

On 7/2/2019 at 9:44 AM, Vulcan646 said:

I don't have the book on me at the moment but I believe the Kolat code name he was given is Green Chrysanthemum


The alias is Master Chrysanthemum and is on page 17 under the True Allegiances of Miya Satoshi heading

On 7/3/2019 at 3:00 AM, Vulcan646 said:

Ah ok. I did not realize that the Yoshi stuff was not new. Either way, I thought it was kinda funny.

When the Yoshi LCG card was previewed, people were losing their minds because he has 2 Military skill yet never touches a blade.

LOL. I did not even think of that. That's hilarious.

17 hours ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

The alias is Master Chrysanthemum and is on page 17 under the True Allegiances of Miya Satoshi heading

Thanks. I was going based on my memory as I did not have the module in front of me when making this thread.