Crew vs. reputation and a bit about damage

By Baxie, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

So I know this isn't strictly a rules question, but something... else.

I've played this a few times now, and we were thinking, that it seems a bit weird, that your crew doesn't respond to the things you do around the Outer Rim. So even if you have Greedo as a crew, he doesn't care, if you go to negative rep with the Hutts. We were thinking about implementing it as a house rule, which would make sure that you didn't just faff about as much, and actually had to maneuver around in the "political" climate of the game more carefully.

Also: If you encounter a bounty, and none of you do any damage. Do you still win? The rules say, that the one who does the most damage wins. It just seems that no damage on either side would mean, that you didn't get it, and had to try again. Maybe even alerting the target, which then moves to the nearest open space of their colour.

They're both house rules, obviously, but they just make sense to me to implement.

What do you think?

Rules Reference ("Combat", p. 05) is very clear: "If there is a tie, the attacker wins the combat."

On 5/31/2019 at 2:43 AM, Bron Ander Haltern said:

Rules Reference ("Combat", p. 05) is very clear: "If there is a tie, the attacker wins the combat."

I think the OP's real question is "Is it still considered a tie for 'the most damage' if neither player actually rolled at least one damage?" And the answer to that would be....yes. The most damage rolled was zero, so both players are still considered to be tied. [Cue obligatory stormtrooper aim joke.]

The possible fault is that the house rule presumes that the minor characters are fiercely loyal to their "home factions" but you have to remember that in a way this is kind of a "what if" game and the contacts you are meeting and recruiting are fringe characters just like the main characters. Just because Greedo in the movies appears to be mainly a Hutt goon doesn't mean that he is 100% loyal to the Hutts. He, like every other character, is looking to make a name for himself.

That being said, the beauty of owning a game is you can house-rule it however you want. I imagine a faction loyalty system for most of the contacts would be fairly easy to complement. I think there are a few characters that would still be completely neutral (I'm thinking Dr Evazan, Ponda Baba, etc.) but the idea could work.

As long as you're having fun!

On 7/15/2019 at 6:22 PM, Wh0isTh3D0ct0r said:

I think the OP's real question is "Is it still considered a tie for 'the most damage' if neither player actually rolled at least one damage?" And the answer to that would be....yes. The most damage rolled was zero, so both players are still considered to be tied. [Cue obligatory stormtrooper aim joke.]

Stormtrooper vs Red Shirt

Stormtrooper misses. Red Shirt still dies.

I think the game has lots of room for faction mods, and I'm sure I'm not the only person that looked at the rep sliders and was disappointed to learn that the base game doesn't use the incremental markers at all. I'm sure there's a way to use those to some effect that tracks crew unrest.