Choosing a Clan: Meta vs Clan

By mrnnj, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

Topic I was talking with a friend about L5R was about Organized Play and how people build their decks:

Do those of you who play competitively look for a meta and choose their clan/influence or does clan loyalty come first?

While L5R players are typically more loyal to their chosen clan than say a Magic player to a specific color, there will be a certain amount of players who are looking to play one of the top tier decks, regardless of clan. You also have to take into account that there are a quite a few players that were loyal to clans/factions in the L5R CCG that have yet to get their own stronghold in the LCG, so they tend to freelance.

For example, I was a Shadowlands player in the CCG, but, there is no Shadowlands faction in the LCG. So, I chose Unicorn as my unofficial clan (since they were the worst clan upon release) to play with until my faction comes back, or I can at least field a legitimate Shadowlands deck out of one of the other strongholds. Now that Unicorn is getting better and more people are jumping on the purple bandwagon, I might try playing a clan that isn't considered to be as good right now. I like the extra challenges that come along with playing the underdog.

On 2/25/2019 at 12:55 PM, Ishi Tonu said:

While L5R players are typically more loyal to their chosen clan than say a Magic player to a specific color, there will be a certain amount of players who are looking to play one of the top tier decks, regardless of clan. You also have to take into account that there are a quite a few players that were loyal to clans/factions in the L5R CCG that have yet to get their own stronghold in the LCG, so they tend to freelance.

For example, I was a Shadowlands player in the CCG, but, there is no Shadowlands faction in the LCG. So, I chose Unicorn as my unofficial clan (since they were the worst clan upon release) to play with until my faction comes back, or I can at least field a legitimate Shadowlands deck out of one of the other strongholds. Now that Unicorn is getting better and more people are jumping on the purple bandwagon, I might try playing a clan that isn't considered to be as good right now. I like the extra challenges that come along with playing the underdog.

Thanks. I think it's cool that the game evolves with the changing narrative and instead of changing to a better meta clan, players alter their current clan to try to improve their position and alter the meta to fit their clan. Maybe this is why I sucked at MTG, I chose one guild and tried to keep it rolling, but ended up being steamrolled.