3/23/19 Elemental Championship in Durham, NC

By theninthguardian, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

Atomic Empire
3400 Westgate Drive
Durham, NC 27707
(800) 918-3985

One of the largest and finest game stores in the Southeastern US, half of the Empire's floor plan is devoted purely to gaming space and they have a wide selection of not just games, but comics, toys, and beers on tap.

Cost: $20 to preregister, or $25 the day before or the day of the event.
Pre-registration closes on Thursday, 3/21 at 11:59 PM
You can register at the store or at the link below.

Registration: https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/2538

Rounds start at 11:00 A.M. Please arrive beforehand so pairings can be calculated and we can start on time. Store opens at 10 (TO should arrive shortly thereafter).

Decklists are required. Please use this form:

This is an Advanced Structure, Formal Tier tournament. Number of rounds depends on number of players. We will take a 45 minute lunch break after the 2nd round.

For details on prizes, check out here .

First place wins an invitation to the 2019 Winter Court World Championship! Everyone present will have a chance to influence the roles which elemental roles their clans will be able to use in the coming months, and everyone who comes will definitely walk away with some swag.

AND because your TO is a jank-lovin' nerdlord from Ye Olde AEG Dayz, I have put up several bounties:

1. Duel of Champions: If, at any point during a game, your Clan Champion faces your opponent's Clan Champion in a duel or conflict, and wins, you will receive a Clan-aligned promo (until supplies run out)

2. UTZ! SQUEEK!: If you win a conflict in which the Nezumi Infiltrator is participating on your side, I've got a Ratling bumper sticker for you (until supplies run out)

3. I Am My Twenty Strongest: Over the course of the tournament, whosoever creates the largest Yoritomo will win this playmat featuring Mario Wibisono's stunning artwork of the Thunder Dragon, patron of the Mantis Clan. This will be awarded once, at the end of Swiss rounds, though I may award it immediately if you can get your Champion up to 20 Military and 20 Political Skill.

All FFG L5R Tournament Regulations can be found here .

Edited by theninthguardian

Just as a heads-up, the documentation with the Elemental Championship kit states that it is run as an Advanced Structure event, not Basic.

17 hours ago, Hinomura said:

Just as a heads-up, the documentation with the Elemental Championship kit states that it is run as an Advanced Structure event, not Basic.

Thanks! I've been trying to edit this for the past couple of days, but the forums were not loading. I've updated the post accordingly.

Man I wish I could come to this, but I have two weddings that day (officiating at one of them). Have fun!

13 hours ago, suburbaknght said:

Man I wish I could come to this, but I have two weddings that day (officiating at one of them). Have fun!

I hope you also have fun! Tell your friends. Not sure where you'd be coming from, but I've got a few more prize ideas in mind and hope to have something really cool to give to the Furthest Traveled player.