Toronto, Canada Kotei

By Schmoozies, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

We have a Kotei for Toronto, Canada on the list of Kotei's to be held in February 2019. Unfortunately all we know is that its supposed to happen in February, with no specific date attached as yet, and the venue is still TBD. As a Toronto local I know I'm very interested in this event and have reached out to the OP team to see if they can provide some more details to make coordinating advertising with the local play group, and hopefully the wider audience, easier as being a Canadian event there will be a few additional hurdles for US players to consider. The biggest will be the need for passports for US citizens if they are flying into the city, and if driving while they will need specifically need a passport they will need proof of ID and Citizenship (such as a birth certificate, certificate of citizenship or naturalization, or a Certificate of Indian Status) that they may not have considered and may need time to acquire.

So my real question has anyone seen any more concrete details on the Toronto Kotei as yet?

Edited by Schmoozies

Not sure if you have found your info now, but I just saw your post (I'm not looking at this forum very often). The FB event is:

Me and a couple of pals (we're from Qc) will be there. :)

Edited by Ascarel