Top Ten Imperial Worlds

By ZillaPrime, in Fan Fiction

A little slice of background from my Dark Heresy game:

Worlds of Primary Importance to the Imperium of Mankind

(Ordinal via deci)

One: Holy Terra. Birthworld of the Holy Emperor as well as humanity itself!

Two: Cadia. Guardian of the Empire! Cadian blood keeps the Imperium alive. Without us, none would stand.

Three: Kantrael. Forge of our arsenal. Without it we would battle our foes with rocks, sticks and fists.

Four: Belis Corona. Home of the largest Naval facilities in the Segmentum. Between the Navy and the Guard we defend all of Mankind.

Five: Ultramar. Homeworld of the Ultramarines. The majority of the Holy Astartes are said to be descendants of Guilliman.

Six: Mars. Forge world for the Imperium and home to the Titan Legions. The Adeptus Mechanicus also like it.

Seven: Agripinaa. They make Cadia's ammunition. We shoot alot of it.

Eight: Caliban. The planet died, but it is where the Dark Angels are from. The Emperor made them first, so they are the best!

Nine: Ophelia VII. One of the Holiest worlds in all of the Imperium. I think it must be very pretty.

Ten: Cypra Mundi. Headquarters for the Segmentum Navy. It is really too far away from the Gate but it is still pretty important.

- Kira Van Eisen. Whiteshield-Sergeant, Cadian 8th Regiment, Kasrkin Training Battalion. Age 12

Thought for the day: The Emperor protects, but we wear carapace plates and duck anyways since we do not wish to be selfish.

Dont' know what number nine is for, off hand, but now I'm tempted to do something like this for Jericus >.> Top Ten Guns or something.

Kylen said:

Dont' know what number nine is for, off hand, but now I'm tempted to do something like this for Jericus >.> Top Ten Guns or something.

Ophelia VII; identified as Ophelia IV in previous editions, is the location of the Adeptus Sororitas' Synod Prioris, and is the second most holy of worlds in the eyes of the Ministorum.

For more info you can check out Lexicanum's entry on it here .

-=Brother Praetus=-