World of Mennara - Land of Terrinoth

By harlequin10, in Realms of Terrinoth


I would need some help. I simply can't find anywhere in terrinoth book a reference to the names of months and days and the current year (timeline maybe) is also questionable. Could anyone help me on this?

Thx a lot...

Edited by harlequin10

I haven't got a lot of guidance for you, but at least a place to start mayhap?...
RoT - pg 53 - last date mentioned is 1827 (which appears to be years marked after the elves wandered OUT of the grey whatevers in into the mortal forest of Aymhelin?), after which the peasant "queen" and her "court" ruled for 14 years before being legitimately recognized...

"and thus we arrive to our current times..." says the book, making "current times" somewhere near the marker of 1841-ish, I would imagine

take that for what it's worth - it's only after a cursory look at the relevant info...I may have more when I do a little more digging in my all-too-rare free time