Desert Rebels

By migs6000, in Painting

I'm painting half my rebels forest/jungle but the other half I want desert/mountain. Does anyone have any good color schemes. I use Vallejo and citadel paints. Still very new so anything is appreciated. Thanks.

Valleyo you can use Khaki,Khaki grey,Green Ochre,Desert Yellow,Tan Yellow,Camo Beige, English Uniform. Basically anything for WWII Brits and Germans .

I did a Iraqi Sand pants, English Uniform for uniform, leather brown for leader’s duster, and hull red helmet combo for my first squad.

8 hours ago, player2801864 said:

I did a Iraqi Sand pants, English Uniform for uniform, leather brown for leader’s duster, and hull red helmet combo for my first squad.

Do you have a picture?

10 hours ago, player2801864 said:

I did a Iraqi Sand pants, English Uniform for uniform, leather brown for leader’s duster, and hull red helmet combo for my first squad.

Which Colors did you use? I plan to use These colors too.

Here is how I painted mine...

See colors under pictures.



(All Citadel Paints)

I used far more colors than necessary but…

Primer (Pants and Jackets/Vests) - Zandri Dust

Boots, Belts, Bandoliers, Backpack Straps, and Leather Backpacks, Gloves – Mournfang Brown, highlighted with Skrag Brown.

Gaters – Deathclaw Brown

Belt Buckles – Ironbreaker

Shirts – Flayed One Flesh

Hats – Screaming Skull

Hat Rim (highlight color of choice)

Mechanical Backpacks – Mechanicus Standard Grey, Dry Brushed with Clestra Grey

Wash – Agrax Earthshade

Guns – Abadon Black dry brushed with Mechanicus Standard Grey

Flesh tint to choice but Cadian Fleshtone washed with Reikland Fleshshade then dry brushed with Cadian Fleshtone and lightly dry brushed over that with Kislev Flesh is a good start.

Alien Head – Caledor Sky dry brushed with Lothern Blue

Edited by Thrindal