Reprint questions

By OglBrutus, in War of the Ring

I see that War of the Ring is currently being reprinted and is oddly marked as being in the design stage in the "Upcoming" section of the site. Does this mean that this reprint is undergoing some changes? Or is it just an indication that this reprint will take longer (or something else entirely)? And finally, is this reprint still on schedule for Q1 2010.

I have to admit, I am once again "late to the party" with respect to this game (and the Lord of the Rings game... hoping for a reprint on that too). Any indication on when I can get my hands on a copy of this title would be appreciated.


Neither game is in store at your local game store? Don't know where you're from naturally, but I would think stores would still have items in store.

I have several game stores local to me, but none have either game in stock (though I have seen the expansions for both games). I'd say I live in an area with a big board game following... while stores and players are easy enough to find, I think the draw back here is that many locals are more aware of how great these games are and have snatched them up.

I typically like to support my FLGS, but I have found an OLGS that appears to have it in stock that I'm about ready to pull the trigger on. Though I typically prefer to hold the game in my hands and get a look at it before I make a purchase, I'll make an exception if need be in this case.

The main question I'm still curious about is the "In Design" status I saw... just curious if the new prints will have any significant changes.

OglBrutus said:

The main question I'm still curious about is the "In Design" status I saw... just curious if the new prints will have any significant changes.

I don't think you are going to see any changes. There are several games that show as "in development" along with being listed as a reprint. For example, Goblin Skirmishers for BattleLore are shown as "in development" but does anyone honestly believe that they are making changes to this expansion? I think the "In Development" status just means they have been planning the time frame of the reprint.

Dam said:

Neither game is in store at your local game store? Don't know where you're from naturally, but I would think stores would still have items in store.

Actually theres very few copies of the game in existance at this point.

There are at least three brick and mortar stores within 20 miles of where I live and all three of them have copies. One even has a copy with a slight ding in the box selling for $50. The other stores are selling it for list price. One of the stores has had the same two copies on the shelf for over a year. Now with the apparent shortage, the owner will probably ebay them.

Items listed as "Out of Stock" azure but even if it was i don;t think i would risk a purchase from that place. Very few online stores that sell the expensive BG's are legit. There are more horror stories of these places listing that they have an item for sale and they don't have it in stock and charge you anyway. The 2-3 places i ever deal with online absolutely say it is unavailable and Good Luck finding a legit brand new copy.

Your local store may have a copy but that might also be because your area doesn't have as many people that know of the game yet. Once you have a solid BG group around that enjoys the game or games like it you will see shortages fast. I actually own 2 copies with an expansion on each and a CE on the way. I loan them both out to the store i game at regularly and they both see heavy play. Oddly enough Space Hulk is seeing this same shortage issue but that is impossible to rectify and the price of the base game is beyond what reasonable people will pay for it. It's sad becauase it's a solid fun game and my copies are getting heavy playtime from multiple players.

Hopefully they get the new reprint out in a timely manner so people that deseperately want it can get it.

It had a copy available when I posted it - guess someone got to it first.

About the online game store thingy, I think you're being slightly paranoid. There are many good online game stores, with excellent service and reliability.

If you're in doubt as to where to buy online, check out the recommendations on is a well known and respected site, by the way.

Azuredarkness: I did end up getting a copy from this exact site (they had 2 in stock when I purchased, so someone else got the last one). I saw from BGG that they had a good reputation, so I felt confident in buying from them (though Baenre makes a good point that caution is prudent on the wild, wild, internet).

I also ended up locating a copy of Lord of the Rings for a different site, so I'm all set myself. Good luck to others in their hunt, though the reprint for WotR (whenever it arrives) should ease the search.

Thanks again, everyone.

Maybe someone know.

This will be simple reprint or something in game will change. F.e. font size on cards or card text maybe to mach changes done to collector'e edition.

It is a reprint, not a revision.

Note to self: Skip the forums next time and just send an email to FFG directly (like this guy did).

reprint answer

Short answer, they're fixing typos, but nothing else is changing.

OglBrutus said:

Note to self: Skip the forums next time and just send an email to FFG directly (like this guy did).

reprint answer

Short answer, they're fixing typos, but nothing else is changing.

It would seem logical that they won't do much revisioning with the game since there's a CE out there that does most of that for you. Unfortunately it's became rather difficult to obtain and very pricey for new players to acquire. I would expect that they are at least fixing all the errata into the new rulebook though so you don't have to have all the extra pages online to play the game right off the shelf. If they don't at least do that i would be very surprised with FFG.

Dam said:

Neither game is in store at your local game store? Don't know where you're from naturally, but I would think stores would still have items in store.

Not necessarily true. My friends store can't get it's hands on new copies.

azuredarkness said: is a well known and respected site, by the way.

I know I'm late to the discussion on this one but I want second (third?) the fact that Time Well Spent is definitely a reputable online store. I buy from them all the time and, since I live in the area and pick up my games locally, have met the owner many a time. He has been friendly and helpful and I can't recommend them enough.

Unfortunately, WotR is out of stock now (as people mentioned).

Is the expansion OOP as well?

Frog said:

Is the expansion OOP as well?

Yes, and it seems to be even more challenging to find than the base game. When it does show up, it's regularly topping $100 US. I was really lucky when I found a copy last December for only $40. After I got my collector's edition, I've been getting steady offers for my original + expansion.

I'm a bit late to this discussion, but I feel that I should point out the game isn't totally unavailable yet. I bought it from Minitature Market, an online store (which I'd never even heard of before), and they had both the expansion and the base game in stock at the time (about 2-3 weeks ago). I bought the base game, but it was the last copy they had. I believe I found it some other place as well, but MM was cheaper.

And just as a btw, I purchase all my games from online stores. It seems I use a different store each time, I shop around to get the best deal I can for shipping + price (or in WotR's case, just to find it), it would be no exaggerration to say that I have purchased board games from 15 or more different websites. I have never, not even once had anything close to a bad experience with any of them.

Kartigan said:

I'm a bit late to this discussion, but I feel that I should point out the game isn't totally unavailable yet. I bought it from Minitature Market, an online store (which I'd never even heard of before), and they had both the expansion and the base game in stock at the time (about 2-3 weeks ago). I bought the base game, but it was the last copy they had. I believe I found it some other place as well, but MM was cheaper.

No, it's not totally unavailable, it's just harder and harder to come by, especially at list price. If you found it at a reputable online retailer for list, consider yourself lucky.,,, and all have it listed as out of stock. I found other online vendors that I'd never heard of, and they all had it listed out of stock. The only place that I've seen copies are at Amazon and eBay, but at severely inflated prices.