My Review of the Daqan forces from the Starter Box

By KrisSherriff, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Hi All,

I have had some requests to get a move on with my RuneWars content and so here is the video of my thoughts on forces of the Daqan Lords from the demo.

I will do my best to actually write up an article at some point this week but I have lots to work through.



The accuracy symbol allows you to target a specific figure within a unit you are attacking.

I did remember after I had finished, until the champion upgrades and stuff are a thing it's not overly relevant in the demos I did. Thanks for pointing it out for others though.


Marvelous work I like his youtube channel, I would like to know if I can take an image of your video to upload to my blog Runewars "terrionth heroes" of course you mention and recommend your channel

I have no issues with that.

I will be trying to get more involved in the RuneWars: The Miniatures Game but have to admit a little ignorance to the rest of the setting.


Interesting, thanks for taking the time to make these. I hadn't seen the back of some of the unit cards yet so that was nice to see those.

Watched the video, thanks for all the info, but try not to mumble into the mic please, it's hard to make out what you're saying