GW and FFG end partnership like expected...

By Kentares, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I am out of the loop here but is this a response by GW for FFG starting their own war minis line? Or has this been expected for a while and GW and FFG part as buddies that just aren't renewing a contract?

While I believe many people would readily point the finger at GW to say that they are greedily and stupidly taking their toys away, I'm fully expecting that it's a question of both parties coming to an agreement that their partnership was no longer beneficial. Realistically, you can easily see that both companies have had an eye on each other's slice of the pie for a while now - FFG has been doing increasingly miniature-heavy war/board game hybrids, while GW has been doing an increasing number of boxed boardgame releases, including a re-release of one of the most popular dungeoncrawl games ever, the IP of which they have been withholding from FFG for years. I suspect they both knew date on their contract was coming up and they both agreed not to renew it. Both companies probably knew about that for at least six months I'd say, as evidenced by how far along RWM is design-wise and knowing that the entire concept would probably never fly on GW's watch.

You just can't resist being a GW apologist can you?

I don't consider myself one but, quite frankly, I don't care if you or anyone else calls me that. You're free to do so if it somehow makes you feel better.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

You just can't resist being a GW apologist can you?

His explanation is much more reasonable than the "stupid and evil GW terminated the contract in a hate rage over RuneWars mini" theory.

Not sure what this has to do with Runewars at all but okay.

This was in play long before Runewars miniatures game was even announced. Conquest has had nothing in playtesting for months now. Well before GenCon.

Because Runewars is a blatant attempt by FFG to drink GW's milkshake.

Maybe but this forum has nothing to do with GW

The forum titled " GW and FFG end partnership like expected..." has nothing to do with GW?

I said Forum not Thread. Not the same thing

Already tons of threads on this in the actual GW game forums.

And people who frequent FFG's forums want to talk about it because it does relate to RuneWars (even if just tangentially). I fail to see the problem you seem to be upset about.

Who's upset ?

Go nuts. I just don't see why it needs a thread here but easy enough to ignore it.

So then ignore it. Or post three more times telling people not to post about this... your call.

I don't really have anything to add, I'm just part of this line and I want to keep it going for funzies.

Speaking for myself, I'm glad the agreement ended. Current Games Workshop IP is not that interesting to develop further. I'm very curious how FFG will flesh out their own fantasy and sceince fiction related worlds now.

That being said, a couple of existing games could have used more expansions (for instance Forbidden Stars), but I guess they will be revamped into Terrinoth or Twilight Imperium style games somewhere in the future.

Edited by Phil_Fantus

You just can't resist being a GW apologist can you?

His explanation is much more reasonable than the "stupid and evil GW terminated the contract in a hate rage over RuneWars mini" theory.

Read this topic to understand a bit more about the subject beyond this discussion:

Edited by Kentares

You just can't resist being a GW apologist can you?

His explanation is much more reasonable than the "stupid and evil GW terminated the contract in a hate rage over RuneWars mini" theory.

Read this topic to understand a bit more about the subject beyond this discussion:

5 more pages or rumors, guessing and speculations from people who don't have the slightest clue what actually happened. No, thanks.

Read this topic to understand a bit more about the subject beyond this discussion:

5 more pages or rumors, guessing and speculations from people who don't have the slightest clue what actually happened. No, thanks.

Oh sorry. Didnt knew youre one of those guys that only wants to know one side of the opinions expressed about the subject. Wont bother anymore.

Wont bother anymore.

LoL. I hope so.

Edited by Ubul

I wonder where gw is going with this. Will they strike up a deal with another company to make games in their universe or start making games themselves or do nothing. Since gw and ffg they have made two of their own games. New edition of space hulk and warhammer quest.

Runewars is a blatant attempt by FFG to drink GW's milkshake.




Edited by Boba Rick

You just can't resist being a GW apologist can you?

His explanation is much more reasonable than the "stupid and evil GW terminated the contract in a hate rage over RuneWars mini" theory.

That's just one possibility really. I'm not particularly concerned about their reasons. I'm just very accustomed to GW doing stupid, myopic things.

To me, this comes as no surprise. Truth be told, I was surprised FFG had got them to the bargaining table in the first place. That GW would again turtle up was, in my experience, only a matter of time.

GW's reputation towards their gaming community is atrocious as is their attitude towards gamers something that trickles down all the way to their shop clerks. I recall walking into a Games workshop store one time, I asked where their brushes were and the store clerk asked "Oh what game are you painting for". Not thinking about it I answered honestly, War Machines. The guy looked at me and I kid you not told me "Citadel brushes are for GW games like Warhammer, maybe you can get some brushes online for War Machines". The look he gave me was like "ok you can leave now".

That really sums up the GW as a company for me.

FFG breaking from them while disruptive will end up being one of the wisest decisions they ever made.

The problem is that GW never had (until some years ago) a real competition in theyre playground...


And i know shop clerks with which you can talk about other games or balancing issues and which units not to buy because they are bad so i would say this depends like many things on the person you are dealing with.

Edited by Iceeagle85


And i know shop clerks with which you can talk about other games or balancing issues and which units ot to buy because they are bad so i would say this depends like many things on the person you are dealing with.

Maybe, but this was hardly an isolated incident. Every single time I have ever walked into a Games Workshop store I felt like I was on a used car lot. They are always in your face with the hard sell trying to sell you any bull they can talk you into. You quite literally cannot walk into a Gamesworshop anywhere on planet earth where the clerks will leave you alone and let you browse in peace.

GamesWorkshop is the infomercial company of the gaming world, everything they do is obnoxious. If they weren't so annoying I would probably be playing one of their games but I hate going into their stores so much that I just rather play something else then to deal with it.


And i know shop clerks with which you can talk about other games or balancing issues and which units ot to buy because they are bad so i would say this depends like many things on the person you are dealing with.

Maybe, but this was hardly an isolated incident. Every single time I have ever walked into a Games Workshop store I felt like I was on a used car lot. They are always in your face with the hard sell trying to sell you any bull they can talk you into. You quite literally cannot walk into a Gamesworshop anywhere on planet earth where the clerks will leave you alone and let you browse in peace.

GamesWorkshop is the infomercial company of the gaming world, everything they do is obnoxious. If they weren't so annoying I would probably be playing one of their games but I hate going into their stores so much that I just rather play something else then to deal with it.

I've been into a Games Workshop store exactly one time, and my experience was in between your two experiences. I just wanted to see what they were about and maybe check out some painting supplies since I wanted to paint my Runewars board game figures (which are still mostly primed but unpainted). The guy in the store was immediately in my face and trying to talk to me and see what I wanted and what I needed. When I told him I wanted to paint board game pieces, he didn't really seem bothered by that, but immediately gave me a free piece and showed me how to dry-brush it (I got a hobbit). Then he showed me the "demo" table where he just made up random rules that ensured I killed his troops every roll while he couldn't touch mine. He said, "I see your smile, you like this sort of thing!" What he didn't know was I was smiling at how ridiculous the "demo" was. There was so little substance there that I couldn't even summarize how to play the game other than, 1) roll dice; 2) stuff dies.

But the real crux of it was when he started asking if I knew anyone who played and trying to get me to proselyte to people and get more bodies in the shop. I was left with a very strong impression of GW working like those pyramid schemes where if you get more people to buy the product, you get bonuses for yourself.

Overall, I wasn't impressed on the whole, but it was far from a negative experience.


And i know shop clerks with which you can talk about other games or balancing issues and which units ot to buy because they are bad so i would say this depends like many things on the person you are dealing with.

Maybe, but this was hardly an isolated incident.

Same for me have been in different stores here in germany nad never had any problems with the people working there, of courese they will go to you and ask you if the can help you, that is after all what they have to do but every time when i said i just want to look around i was not bothered anymore, of course i do believe you and it is possible that GW wants that kind of attitude but it seem a store clerk can still decide for himself how to react t costumers.

Edited by Iceeagle85

here in germany

Might be that the culture in stores culturally closer to GW's (Anglophone) home differs from others due to more direct control and/or more rabid loyalty?

Edited by twincast

here in germany

Might be that the culture in stores culturally closer to GW's (Anglophone) home differs from others due to more direct control and/or more rabid loyalty?

Possible but i do not think so, i think it's a mix of different reasons, we are all humans and behave differently, i had good and bad experience in many different store be they hobby, videogame, clothes electronic and what not and some of them belonged to the same company so the human factor definetely plays a role in this.

Tthen i might be lucky that the 4-6 (can't remember the exact number) of GW stores i visited had good personal working there but i remember a thread in german forum about which GW shop you can go to and which you should avoid and one interesting thing is that someone said don't go there and someone else said the changed the store manager and now it is a really nice places. So it's also important how the store is run, how much value is given to GW's rules (if what you can read online is true some of them are or were really stupid and ridiculous) and stuff, then i also heard that shops have to make a certain amount of money or they will get into trouble and perhaps some try to get their sales via trying to sell 3 Baneblades to your Imperial Guard Infantry Box while others think it is better to be nice and helpful to boost sales.

No one tried to sell me something i don't need, of course i have been asked if i have already seen the new stuff for the armies i play and at the cash register i was aksed if i need any paints or brushes, this might annoy someone but i see it as normal sales practice.

And then again we are all humans, in said thread i read some people don't like it if they enter the shop someone comes up to them immediately, which i would again see as normal sales practice and as long as they leave me be if i say i just want to look around everything is fine for me and other people want someone to look after them immediately so the feel "cared for".

So in the end i would say it deoends on many things (which i would say is true for every singe shop out there) and i was just lucky because i have heard bad stories about shops here (unfriendly, trying to sell you expensive stuff, not going away when you say you don't need help).