And What about BattleLore 2nd Ed?

By Mozal, in Runewars Miniatures Game

This game will end with Battlelore?
Will we never see the Latari Elves in Batllelore?
:( :( :( :(

I hope not, always wanted to buy Battlelore 2nd and it would be sad if it would stop growing or if it would be canceled.

This game will end with Battlelore?

Will we never see the Latari Elves in Batllelore?

:( :( :( :(

Did Battlelore sell well? It may not have been successful enough to justify a 2nd edition. I obviously don't know their financials, but anecdotally, I've never seen anyone buy/play Battlelore and my FLGS still has the same old dusty box on the shelf.

We will just have to wait and see. For my part, RuneWars looks cool and all, but I really like BattleLore 2E. I think I'm much more likely to drop $80 on BattleLore elves than $100 on a brand new system that overlaps the lore of one game (BattleLore) and the distribution of another (X-Wing). I still ppan on watching this game, and my opinion may change in time, but for now I think I have ppenty of Terrinoth at home, even if it would be cool to add more with RuneWars.

I love Battle Lore 2nd edition and keep wondering if the Latari will make an appearance or not, even before this Rune Wars announcement.

I am also pessimistically assuming we will not see the Latari for Battlelore, not to mention further neutral units or even things like Orcs or Dwarves.

I am totally onboard for Rune Wars the mini game however. I just would like to complete Battle Lore 2nd edition. It is a great game. All the options they have added since its release have done nothing but improve the game and its replay ability.

I expect that RuneWars will draw at least some of the BattleLore players, reducing its audience. But, the two games can also share sculpts which reduces the price of future BattleLore expansions. It's pretty much anyone's guess what will happen.

The good thing about Battlelore 2nd edition is the lore and IP support Runewars the mini game.

If Runewares takes off, it could also drive more content for Battle Lore and vice versa.

I own everything for Battlelore, so I'd love to see them "finish" things off with the elves. This new miniatures game does look great. If I wasn't already so invested in Battlelore I might bite. Because of time and what's already on the shelf I don't think I can dip into both :(