At the printer!

By Firthaa01, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

That's why I love card games! So quick! Anyone have any ideas how long a product can be at the printer? How long is on the boat? How long is shipping?

I've been playing FFG's LCGs for a while and things are highly variable. Once it's one the boat, usually maybe a month (anyone wanna correct me?). Once it says "shipping" that tends to mean about 1-2 weeks.

Edited by divinityofnumber

"At the printer" varies from few to many months, I think.

Yep, the biggest uncertainty here is in the At the printer time, that varies a lot. Then on the boat is 6 weeks, and shipping is 10 days, more or less (varies according to the part of the world you live in)

Hoping to see this before December. Highly looking forward to it.