Fort Worth Area Players

By Berethrof, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hello all! Just ordered my Armada Core Set and looking for other players around the Fort Worth/Arlington area that may want to kick a few games together.

I need to justify the expense by actually playing the thing!

Hope you guys are around here somewhere.

I am also looking for someone to play . Where do u game at ?

I'm over on the Dallas/Plano side of things, be nice to find some opponents.

There is a group of players that game on Friday nights at Area 51 in Grapevine, I've been up there the past two weeks.

There is a small tourney on Saturday at 1pm. Entry is pre-purchasing one of the wave one ships. Prize support is pretty awesome.

Irksomely, I still work evenings, which has kept me away from the x-wing leagues in the past :(

There is a group of players that game on Friday nights at Area 51 in Grapevine, I've been up there the past two weeks.

There is a small tourney on Saturday at 1pm. Entry is pre-purchasing one of the wave one ships. Prize support is pretty awesome.

Around what time does everyone start showing up on Friday? Id love to play tomorrow in the tourney but have not really played anything other then that first training setup a few times.

11 people showed up for the tournament. Definitely a lot of fun.

I have been showing up around 530, but most people show up a bit later, maybe 7?

The eleven man turnout today was pretty awesome. Great time had by all.

I have been showing up around 530, but most people show up a bit later, maybe 7?

The eleven man turnout today was pretty awesome. Great time had by all.

How often does area51 do tournaments for Armada?

I have been showing up around 530, but most people show up a bit later, maybe 7?

The eleven man turnout today was pretty awesome. Great time had by all.

How often does area51 do tournaments for Armada?

I'm not certain how often they will hold tournaments, depends on how well they continue to do. I would imagine if there is call for it they might be willing to do once a month, but I think the plan right now is once per quarter.

I talked to an A51 employee today, he said Armada tournaments will be once a month. Twice a month if they can enough of a player base. AFAIK they're the only store with planned tournaments in the Metroplex so far.

I haven't checked out the open play Friday A51 group yet but I will tonight. I plan on being there around 530.

Edited by Metal Mutant

Hey guys! This is Cameron. If you don't remember, I'm the guy who ran the show during the tournament. Glad to hear the positive feedback. Can't wait for the next engagement.